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Medicine cabinet for your baby

As the due date gets closer and closer and you have all your baby equipment, you will certainly be thinking about your baby’s first-aid kit. There are simply some important helpers that can effectively support you and your baby with minor aches and pains and the first infections.

For babies with their small and sensitive organism, it is advisable to start with herbal and gentle remedies first. However, please always ask your midwife or pediatrician what is best for your baby.

Why is a medicine cabinet important?

In the first few weeks, digestion is still unfamiliar to many newborns and they therefore often have flatulence and other digestive complaints. Effective recommendations are caraway oil and wind ointment for rubbing and massaging the tummy. Caraway suppositories can also help very well. If the sensitive areas on the bottom are sore, high-dose zinc ointments and plenty of diaper-free time and fresh air can help. A piece of sheep’s wool fleece with a high lanolin content helps in a natural way: the lanolin is absorbed into the skin and soothes soreness and pain. And if your baby’s nose is running and a cold is on the horizon, marjoram butter can help. Your pharmacist will be happy to mix it fresh for you. A small dab of it under the baby’s nose – and breathing and sucking will be easier again. The tried and tested cold ointment for rubbing on the chest for coughs and colds also relaxes and soothes with rosemary and lavender. You should only use a decongestant nasal spray in very acute cases and after consulting your doctor so that the sensitive mucous membranes are not affected – here too, please only use the baby version.

Cold compresses on the calf (calf compresses) or fever suppositories help with feverish infections. You should certainly also have a clinical thermometer in the house. These are available as non-contact, ear thermometers or with a flexible tip so that a gentle temperature measurement is possible. If your baby is teething, a teething oil with calming camomile, soothing lavender and pain-relieving clove will also help.

Our top 10 for the baby medicine cabinet

  • Caraway oil
  • Caraway suppositories, e.g. Carum Carvi comp. Infant suppositories
  • Wind ointment
  • Zinc ointment, e.g. Multilind
  • Marjoram butter
  • Nasal spray, e.g. Otriven Baby
  • Cold ointment, e.g. WICK Babybalsam
  • Fever suppositories
  • Clinical thermometer with flexible tip
  • Teething oil, e.g. from medesign

Always remember that your closeness and warmth can also help your baby to cope with pain. Feeding at the breast or cuddling with you works wonders. Plenty of sleep and fresh air when going for a walk have a healing effect, which you can supplement with your first-aid kit. You can also find more tips for new parents on our blog!

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