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PEKiP, baby swimming & Co.

PEKiP, baby swimming or toddler group?

Baby courses are a wonderful opportunity to get to know other parents and babies and to experience new things together with your child. Depending on what is on offer, the programs promote your baby’s motor skills and various senses and at the same time give you the opportunity to exchange ideas with other parents and the course leader. But which baby courses are actually available? And which course is right for you? How much program is good for the baby?

The most popular baby courses at a glance

From toddler groups and baby swimming to PEKiP or music education – the choice of baby courses is huge. It’s easy to lose track. That’s why we have summarized the most popular baby courses for you:

Baby massage (from 6 weeks)

In the baby massage course, you will be professionally instructed on how to massage your baby to calm and relax them. You will learn specific massage techniques and special massage strokes that can also help with tummy aches, for example. The loving caresses and physical contact strengthen your bond and have a harmonizing effect. It is also an ideal opportunity to exchange ideas with other parents.

PEKiP (from 6 weeks)

In the PEKiP (Prague Parent-Child Program), you meet with a total of 6 to 8 adults and their babies in a heated room. The special feature: The children are stripped naked and placed on a soft surface where they can move freely and without restriction. The children are kept busy and encouraged with play and movement suggestions, and parents can exchange ideas with each other and with the group leader.

Baby yoga (from 6 weeks)

Baby yoga combines gentle yoga exercises for the mother with a relaxing massage for the baby. This means that your baby is playfully involved in everything and can enjoy the touch. Together you will find more peace and relaxation.

Baby swimming (from approx. 3 months)

Bathing fun that’s good for mom and baby: Baby swimming primarily develops your baby’s motor skills, coordination and self-awareness and trains their sense of balance. Bathing and splashing around together in direct physical contact also supports the parent-child bond.

Toddler group (from approx. 6 months)

Toddler groups offer a pleasant setting to meet other children and parents – without specific support for the children. The focus is on the fun and the joy of movement of the babies – just like the intensive exchange between the parents. A crawling course is suitable for all babies who can already crawl and thus come into contact with each other and become playfully active.

Musikgarten / early musical education (from birth)

If you want to introduce your child to music at an early age in a playful way, the Musikgarten is the right place for you. Here they sing, dance and make music together, e.g. with rattles or tonewoods. This encourages the little ones’ creativity and language skills.

How do I find the right baby course for my child?

Even if all these baby courses sound exciting at first glance: The question is which course is right for you and your child. The following considerations can help you decide:

  • What is your personal request for a baby course?
  • Would you like to support your child specifically and in which area?
  • Are you primarily looking for a personal exchange with other parents?
  • Or are you looking for specific tips and guidance from outside?
  • What might your baby particularly like?

This will help you to narrow down your selection.

How much program is good for my child?

There may still be various baby courses on your list that would be exciting for you. But before the whole thing degenerates into “leisure stress”, think carefully about what is really realistic:

  • How resilient are you yourself?
  • How resilient is your baby?
  • How many appointments can you easily fit into your daily routine without anyone being overwhelmed?

Practice clearly shows that less is more. Perhaps the various activities can be spread out over time: When the baby massage course is finished, baby swimming can be started after a short break and so on.

Baby courses in Corona times

During the Corona period, the number of baby courses on offer has been greatly reduced or shifted to the online sector. Even if this means that there is still a chance of getting together in some way, this is of course in no way comparable to face-to-face contact – neither for the parents nor for the children. We therefore hope that “normality” returns soon and that you and your children can get together again without any worries.

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