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Air travel with children

Air travel with children: We recommend these 8 tips to you

When a vacation is just around the corner, the excitement and anticipation are great. If you have decided to travel by plane, mom and dad may also be a little nervous. After all, not only the vacation itself, but also the flight is a big adventure – especially for small children. We have put together a few helpful tips for you, which we would like to recommend from our own experience.

1. the most important documents always to hand

It is best to create a small folder in which you compile all your important documents and which you can easily take with you in your hand luggage. Because these documents should always be to hand:

  • Passports of all fellow travelers
  • Travel documents (booking documents, information and tickets for arrival and departure as well as for the stay on site)
  • Health insurance cards of all fellow travelers
  • Your child’s examination booklet (including vaccination card)
  • for unmarried couples: a copy of the custody declaration

(Background: There are countries that check very carefully on entry – especially if there are different surnames. Keyword: child abduction)

2. change of clothes in hand luggage

Make sure you put a change of clothes in your hand luggage – not only for your child, but also for you adults. It can always happen that you have to wait longer for your suitcases. It is then helpful to have spare items to hand.

A good rule of thumb is to be able to bridge two days with fresh underwear, socks and possibly shirts. Suitcases usually reappear after two days or it is easier to buy things at your destination. By the way: Good airlines reimburse purchases up to a certain amount in the event of longer losses. It is best to check with your airline in advance.

3. food and snacks for the flight

What many people don’t know: Airlines do not offer child-friendly food. That’s why you should always pack enough food for your little ones. Whether it’s porridge or pasta with sauce – you can easily heat up portions in the microwave on the plane. And if you’re feeling peckish, you can of course also pack a small snack –important: it’s best to transport everything in transparent containers.

4. cushions and blankets

As it can be quite chilly on the plane due to the air conditioning, you should always have a blanket with you. A pillow will make it even more cozy. If your child is already sitting in their own seat, a cushion is handy for them to lean on comfortably. If your child is still sitting on your lap (children under the age of 2 travel on their parents’ laps), the cushion can help prevent their legs from falling asleep.

5. pass the time with cuddly toys, movies and co.

Especially on longer flights, it is helpful to plan a sufficient activity program for the children. Cuddly toys are ideal travel companions for the little ones and help them to relax and fall asleep better. Coloring materials or small books are handy and help against boredom. Of course, children’s films or series, which are best downloaded to your smartphone or tablet in advance, provide a special change of pace. This is because Wi-Fi access is often very expensive on airplanes.

An extra tip: It’s always best to take disinfectant wipes with you and use them to clean the small fold-down tables on the front seat backs. These are real virus slingers on the plane.

6. help with pressure on the ears

It’s uncomfortable even for us adults – that feeling of pressure in the ears when the plane takes off and lands. It is all the more unpleasant for small children. Earplugs can provide some relief. It is best to choose earplugs for children – they are easier and safer to remove from the ears.

Chewing gum is also suitable for children aged 5 and over. And they are available in many delicious flavors.

7. book a window seat

If possible, you should book a window seat for the little ones. Here they can look out and watch the action particularly well, especially during take-off and landing. And if they need some rest or sleep, they can make themselves more comfortable in the window seat.

8. keep calm

A flight is always exciting and, of course, stressful – especially for small children. So if your child gets restless or cries, take care of your little darling – and not worry about what the other passengers might say. Take the pressure off your child to be as quiet and well-behaved as possible from the outset. The most important thing is that he or she is doing well, and we wish you an exciting and thrilling journey that you will always remember!

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