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3-month colic in babies


The first few months with a newborn are a time full of wonder and joy, but also a time that brings its challenges.
One of these challenges that many parents are familiar with is the so-called 3-month colic.
When your baby cries inexplicably and is difficult to soothe, it can be a stressful experience, both for your child and for you as parents.
In this article, we would like to take a closer look at the phenomenon of 3-month colic, highlight possible causes and coping strategies and show you how you can master this challenging phase together with your baby.
Our aim is not only to provide you with practical tips, but also to promote a deeper understanding of your baby’s needs during this time.

What are 3-month colic?

Definition and general understanding

3-month colic is a common phenomenon that affects many newborns in the first few weeks of life.
The term ‘colic’ refers to episodes of intense and inconsolable crying that occur in otherwise healthy babies.
These episodes can last for several hours a day and are often difficult for parents to interpret.
Although the name ‘3-month colic’ suggests that this phase lasts exactly three months, the duration varies from baby to baby.
Typically, colic begins around the second week of life and peaks in the sixth to eighth week.

Typical symptoms and signs

The symptoms of 3-month colic are mainly characterized by intense crying.
This crying often seems to start suddenly and for no apparent reason.
Babies may be restless, tighten their legs, have a reddened head and have difficulty calming down.
It is important to emphasize that this behavior can be a normal part of development and does not necessarily indicate a serious condition.

Frequency and duration of colic

Although it may feel like you are alone with this problem, 3-month colic is actually very common.
It is estimated that around 20 to 40 percent of all newborns experience this phase.
The good news is that colic usually subsides after the third to fourth month of life.
During this time, it’s crucial to seek support and remember that this is a temporary, albeit stressful, phase in your baby’s life.

Possible causes of 3-month colic

The exact causes of 3-month colic are still not fully understood, and experts suspect that a combination of factors may be involved.
It is important to recognize that colic is not a sign of parenting failure, but a common phenomenon that affects many families.
Some of the causes discussed include immaturity of the digestive system, adaptation to the environment outside the womb and overstimulation.

Medical perspectives and theories

“From a medical point of view, colic could be partly caused by the immaturity of the baby’s digestive system.
This can lead to gas and discomfort, which the baby expresses by crying.
Another theory relates to sensory processing; babies have to adapt to the multitude of new sensory impressions, which can be overwhelming and lead to restlessness.”

Environmental and nutritional factors

The environment and diet can also play a role.
Factors such as smoking in the baby’s environment, the breastfeeding mother’s diet or the type of baby food can influence the risk of colic.
However, it is important to emphasize that none of these causes are solely responsible and that in most cases colic is a temporary and non-dangerous phenomenon.

Coping strategies for parents

Dealing with the challenges

Experiencing 3-month colic can be very stressful for parents.
It’s important to develop strategies to help both your baby and yourself.
Remind yourself that it’s okay to ask for help and take breaks when you need them.
Here are some best practices that can help parents manage this challenging time.

Calming techniques for your baby

Various techniques can help to soothe your baby.
These include gently rocking, humming or singing softly, offering a pacifier or riding in a baby carriage.
Every baby is different, so it can be helpful to try different methods to find out what works best for your child.
Rocking gently in a bassinet can also have a calming effect and reminds the baby of the movements it felt in the womb.

Self-care and support for parents

It is equally important that you as parents take care of yourself.
Lack of sleep and constant worry about your baby’s well-being can lead to exhaustion.
Try to take turns when it comes to looking after your crying baby and don’t hesitate to ask friends or family members for help.
Professional support, be it from a midwife, a pediatrician or a parent counseling center, can also be very helpful.

When should you see a doctor?

Recognizing warning signals

Although 3-month colic is usually harmless, there are certain signs that may indicate that a visit to the doctor is necessary.
It’s important to pay attention to your baby’s overall well-being and seek professional help if you have any concerns.
Here are some warning signs to look out for.

Symptoms that require medical attention

See a doctor if your baby shows other symptoms in addition to intense crying, such as fever, vomiting, diarrhea, blood in the stool, or if he or she has difficulty breathing.
It is also advisable to seek medical advice if your baby is eating or drinking significantly less than usual, is not gaining weight or shows other signs of illness.

Differentiation between colic and other diseases

It is important to differentiate colic from other possible illnesses.
A pediatrician can rule out other causes of crying and make sure your baby is healthy.
This can also help to alleviate your worries as parents and give you peace of mind.

Additional tools and resources

Supporting products and services

There are a range of products and services that can support parents of babies with colic.
From special baby cradles that mimic gentle rocking motions to professional counseling services, the choices are varied.
It’s important to research the different options and find out what works best for your family.

The role of specialized baby products

Specialized baby products such as feather cradles can be a great help.
They provide a gentle, soothing movement that reminds babies of their time in the womb and helps them to relax.
Products from companies like PAULI & CO that value quality and sustainability can be a good investment for parents looking for effective solutions.

Use of advisory and support services

In addition to physical products, advice and support services can be a valuable resource.
This can range from online forums for parents to professional counseling services.
Talking to other parents who have had similar experiences or talking to an expert can be helpful in gaining new perspectives and strategies for dealing with colic.


3-month colic is a challenge that many parents experience in the first few months of their baby’s life.
It is important to understand that this is a temporary phase and that you are not alone.
With the right strategies and support, you and your baby can get through this time.
Remember to take care of yourself and seek professional help if needed.

For further information and support, please visit our website pauliundco.de.
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